2021 was a year of recovery from a global pandemic, and as a result, many companies in the industrial sector strengthened their ties with technology to make their way towards digital transformation.
These ties are the reason why we will have big technology trends for the industrial sector in 2022; virtual reality is one thanks to the launch of the new Metaverse, but what other technology trends will be part of the industry this year?
To talk about technology today is to think about tools that only 10 years ago seemed futuristic and very difficult to obtain; but to everyone’s surprise, today it is possible to achieve technologies that change companies, jobs and in general change the world. It is increasingly common to hear talk of Industry 5.0: the technological revolution that aims to empower the transformation of the industrial sector into smart spaces based on IoT and cognitive computing.
With this as a basis, companies in the industrial sector are facing challenges that consist of applying technologies that are at the level of industry 5.0 and here we leave you with the ones that are trending for 2022:
1. Augmented reality.

During 2021 the whole world was surprised after the announcement of Metaverse; and the technology sector was revolutionised by the realisation that augmented reality has evolved to the next level.
For the industrial sector this is of vital importance because it opens the door to the further development and use; of not only augmented reality but also advanced technologies (such as Real time monitoring, Edge – Cloud Computing, Advanced Analytics, Simulation, Blockchain, and others.) whose purpose is to achieve a better and more developed functioning of the industry.
2. Analysing and sharing data.

One of the technological trends that has been emerging for some years and is now more evident is that related to data.
This has become a necessity for companies in the industrial sector due to the enormous volume of data obtained internally. To this end, tools have been created that are technological trends that achieve Analytics & Machine learning; which is the set of strategies, applications, data, products and technologies that are focused on the management and creation of knowledge through the analysis of existing data in the organisation. Analytics & Machine learning is about integrating the different systems of an organisation to obtain from them not only information or knowledge, but real intelligence that gives the organisation a competitive advantage over its competitors.
3. Exploitation of industrial machine data.

As we said earlier: the technological trends that are now most evident are those related to data.
But this one is directed at manufacturing companies in the industrial sector that have industrial machines. During 2022 these companies will have to link tools that will help them in the process of data exploitation; tools such as Innobox, which is an industrial IOT solution that simplifies the capture, analysis and exploitation of data from industrial machines; both at the machine and remotely, in an easy and non-intrusive way with the control devices.
4. Real-time company production control.

This is another of the technological trends for 2022 that plays an important role for companies in the industrial sector; and is fortunately already possible thanks to tools such as MES, which develops computerised systems used in manufacturing to track and document the transformation of raw materials into finished products. Basically the capture of data in the plant that allows the control of the company’s production in real time; situation of the machines, stock of products, times used, traceability of materials and labelling at the machine, providing current and reliable data of the entire production process.
5. Computerised maintenance management

Continuous and optimal maintenance within a company is what allows it to function well, and computerised maintenance will be a technological trend in 2022 that will optimise the processes of many companies. This can be achieved with systems such as CMMS; which is a software tool that optimises the maintenance process of a company’s equipment, assets and properties. It is used to establish an optimal maintenance plan by assigning corrective and preventive operations, as well as scheduling and creating maintenance orders.
2022 will be a year in which technology will play a fundamental role and for this reason the government has also opened calls for subsidies where companies will be able to access several of these technological trends with the help of partners that help in the process such as Innova IT.
Now that you know what the technological trends are for the industrial sector in 2022, tell us:
Which one caught your attention the most and which one do you think will be important within your company this year?
Leave us a comment.
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