This solution was applied to a company dedicated to the design of oil installations, as well as the construction of petrol stations and service stations, legalisation, refurbishment and maintenance of fuel installations. As a result, remote monitoring of service stations was achieved.

See more applicable solutions for companies in industrial sectors
- Ensure that the station is fully operational, and thus reduce service stoppages as much as possible.
- Monitor the different alarms and sensors of each service station remotely and from the operator’s mobile phone.
- Remote control of certain actuators located in each service station remotely.
- Implementation of a sensorisation system and thus, having control of the station’s most critical assets.
- Management of facilities, customers, users and permissions
- Condition-based maintenance web application, which allows SAT personnel to monitor and control all the information coming from the service station’s assets.
- Responsive application for operators to consult the status of alarms.
- Remote consultation of sensor status
- Remote control of fire extinguishers and online information on incidents.
- Reduced installation time (50%) and costs (30% less)
- Improve reactive maintenance response time (an estimated 20%)
- Reduce incidents due to preventive maintenance (20%)
- Reduce downtime of stations due to incidents (30%)
- A new business model, thanks to offering more services and information to customers with remote monitoring.

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