Project developed in a recreational park renowned in Barcelona – Catalonia for its miniature attractions. Development of an IoT solution for models in the park; as a result, the supervision and remote management of these models in the park within the infrastructure sector was achieved.

More applicable solutions for companies in industrial sectors
- Monitoring of the stations.
- Recording of any faults, especially at attractions.
- Quick notification to the operator to solve the fault.
Development of an IoT solution for models in the park
- Application with Node-red where the alarms of each of the stations are managed.
- Sending alarms to the PickData platform to manage, visualise and send faults to operators.
- Visualisation of reports through the platform. On computer and smart phone.
- Creation of a record of active alarms and activations of the stations from the platform.

Visualisation of the status of the model: number of activations. Activation from the platform

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